This week has been so relaxing. As I am watching the temperatures rise and my daffodils start poking through the soil, I am so excited for Spring. This winter has definitely been one of trials. Only good part was our dog got to play in the snow for the first time in her life (and there was definitely plenty of it for her).
With the inspiration of spring I dove into a small still life painting, something I haven't done in quite awhile. My favorite flower being hydrangea, I thought that would be an appropriate subject matter to welcome me back to oil painting. I can't wait until my own hydrangea are blooming in the front of my house, but that still is a long way away.
We did a big food shopping yesterday, since now that I am home I needed some food here to make breakfast and lunch! So it was nice to wake up this morning and make myself a healthy and filling breakfast before diving into my work-from-home part time shift. Once I complete my mandatory 4 hours of paid work, I can dive back into these tiny details of my painting.
I had some left over birthday gift cards so I stocked up on paint and supplies and spent my week knitting and painting. Once my hydrangea painting was complete I dove back into my barn painting (I call it the infamous barn painting since I've been working on it for a year now). I am enjoying the progress I am making but I still have a ways to go. I am looking to finish it within the week and have it posted on the website. I enjoy the bright colors from the early morning sun, and the relaxing setting. It definitely takes me back to my childhood since this was the barn I grew up down the street from. I think how sentimental the subject is makes me have way more care when painting it.
I hope you all have a great week and stay safe! Make sure that everything you do is in pursuit of your dreams, and don't let anyone tell you something is impossible.
Carina Brandt