Newest Work:
24x36 inch Acrylic on Stretched Canvas features layers of thin paint creating a rich texture of mixing colors and sweeping brush strokes. This is a completely original painting that is available in prints and the original painting.
Learn more about how I paint in my blog!
About Sweeping Landscape Collection
I have always been inspired by nature and landscapes. I find beauty on blue sky, sunny days as much as a dark, rainy day. These contemporary abstract landscape paintings help me connect to the colors and the feel of the landscape and focusing less on the small details of the scene. I want to connect emotionally to the natural world and less about transporting there in this series. What is it about a landscape that makes us feel calm? The whole world is focused on to do lists and hoping to the next thing. I want the viewer to slow down, to reflect on themselves and what they are feeling. It is so important for us to slow down and find out calm and to reflect on it! I have focused on these paintings as being a stopping point for the viewer to detach and almost mediate in each scene.
Don't ask "what am I supposed to see" and just, feel it.