Artist block is a real thing, much like writer's block. If you are a creator I'm sure you have run into this situation at least once. You sit down at your easel/desk/computer ready and willing to create, but no lightening happens. You stare at the blankness in front of you and start to panic. Well, I went through this very recently. Here's what I did.
After starting a painting (titled: Island in Fog) I found myself going through the motions and not connecting with the subject matter. As a result the painting became horrible. I left it on my easel and avoided my studio for weeks! Instead I focused on a completely different type of creating, I worked on my gardens. Hard manual labor with a hint of creating a composition. In the end I started to feel the call back to the studio. I did NOT go back to the Island in Fog painting but instead picked up a few old watercolor paintings I haven't finished. Once those were finished I have vowed to do a painting a day. It is important I continue to get those artist juices flowing and I can get more work out there!
So hang tight because this is about to get interesting. I hope to be posting daily paintings on the Etsy and the website so you can follow along on this strange adventure. No promises as to the outcome of these paintings!
Here's the first one!
Carina Brandt